When I initially embarked on my speargun building journey all the information I read on forums and videos I watched on You Tube about building spearguns all went something like this; Step one, cut the track. Step two, mortise a cavity for the trigger mechanism. Step three, pin the mechanism etc, etc. For me (in the beginning) step three was always the step that (A) took a long time, and (B) I worried about messing up. Even with an installation jig getting those two holes drilled in the right spot was time consuming and nerve-racking. If the holes were off by just a tiny bit a couple of bad things could happen. One; the pins fail to go through the...
This is a quick post about some common mistakes that can occur if you aren't careful when laying out a muzzle on a wood rollergun. Ask me how I know! Depending on the hardware you decide to use some of what I will talk about here may not apply so keep that in mind. To date I have built two double rollers five single rollers three roller hole guns and one inverted rollergun. Of those eleven guns the ones that performed the best all had open tracks. I'm not sure why but the open track guns all shot more predictably with better accuracy and with a flatter shaft trajectory. These guns all had a "deep open track." Parts I use at the...
I remember back to when I was planning out my first gun build. I had all my parts, which included a beautiful teak blank made by Dean Koutras from "Addiction Spears." As I was doing general research on speargun building I kept coming across forum posts related to making speargun blanks. I gathered as much information as I could on the subject and made the decision to put the blank I had purchased to the side (I still have it 4-years later) and dive into making my own speargun blank. I started looking around for places to buy hardwoods, specifically teak. I came across a supplier in my area who was selling some reclaimed teak from the USS North Carolina, a famous battleship from...
Backstory Late this past Spring at the start of the dive season I was asked by one of our local charter captains if I'd like to put a gun on his boat for guys to try out. I thought it would be a good opportunity to get one of my guns into the hands of potential buyers and a great form of advertising. Captain Dave Hochman runs Spearit Charters and holds the world record for striped bass caught with a speargun AND on a polespear. He's an accomplished spearo and charter captain who is known for putting more divers on 50+ pound bass than anyone else in the area. I wanted to make a gun that he would personally use....
The Plan: Every Winter when the water is frigid I retreat to my basement shop where I build my spearguns. I like to try something new each Winter and this year I decided it would be an all-wood double roller rear handled gun with a "cuttlefish shape." It was during the previous Summer I decided this would be my Winter project/goal. Late summer, early Fall I started acquiring images of this style gun from various sources and gun builders whose guns I had been admiring. Antony Bullock (Ace Spearguns), Peter Kedzo (Petar Pan), Sniper Sub and of course Alemani were just a few of the different builders whose guns I poured over before starting this build. I also researched the...